Saturday, February 25, 2006

The final countdown

And it's the final countdown da na na na... Does anyone else know that bad 80's song or is it just me? Anyway, the time has come for me to say goodbye and venture out into the great unknown. I still don't think that it has really sunk in yet - I guess that it might kick in on the plane. I pity the poor person who will be sitting next to me while I am hyperventilating... I will try and get some photos up on the site as soon as I can so that you can check out what I have been up to. (I am invisioning comments like ...and here is a photo of some rain and clouds and some more rain and some clouds... I think I am over the weather already and I haven't even left Oz yet. Not a good sign!).

Friday, February 24, 2006

Farewell drinksies

How many farewell drinks can one person have before it becomes, well, kind of silly? I had work dinner and drinks on Sunday, more dinner and drinks on Thursday and then some more dinner and drinks and Friday! It's not that I am self absorbed and think that the world wants to say 'bye' to me, I just like eating and drinking (who would have guessed!). Many thanks to all the wonderful friends and family that made the effort to celebrate my imminent departure and my 24th birthday ( I am so old). A BIG thanks to Liz for flying down from Canberra and Cam for coming down from Mackay - you guys are great! A few special mentions go to:

Lise, Beck and Joey - you girls are so beautiful and I am going to miss you so much.

Lou and the boys for rockin' it out on the O'Malleys dance floor- I can't belive we haven't partied earlier.

The fabulous webteam (Captain Copy and Paste, Rebel, Storm and Lawsy), thankyou for being such an awesome crew to work with and for all the funny (and at times ridiculous) goings on in our little office. I hope that you can find someone deserving to replace me.

Sal and Scott - thanks for all of the wonderful drawing classes and philosphical chats. I am going to miss the "Awesome Foursome"!

The Crocoseum Crew - thanks for all of the great times!

And of course my beautiful family for putting up with me stressing out of my head about unimportant crap. Mum and Dad, I hope that you can figure out the whole internet thing anf check my site out!

I love you all and I will miss you! xoxo

My last day at work

After working at the same place for over two years, I have finally finished up work and left the Zoo. It's weird how you to tend to take people and places for granted when you know that you are going to see them everyday. It's only now that I have left that I have realised how much I am going to miss everyone! Who is going to sing to me ("... and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night...") now? They say that it's the people that you work with that make your job either rock or suck arse and I can safely say that "you guys rock!". Thanks to everyone that has made my two and a bit years at the Zoo such an awesome time. I love you all!
PS- Many thanks to Ben and Dave for doing the bird and wombats photos for me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Woodford Folk FEstival 2005-2006

I am rather new to this whole blogging thing so a I am going to try and get the hang of it before I leave the country so that I at least have some idea of what I am doing!

Woodford was a wonderful way to see in the New Year so I thought that I would post up some photos of that to get the ball rolling. I think the highlight at this year's folk fest was seeing a massive group of tiara princesses wandering around the festival! It was so great to be in such a fabulous group of people for NYE. I hope that that is an indication of how this year is going to be... Another awesome thing at the festival was seeing Kate, Em and the Transport guys doing their thing. They are such a talented group and it was great to see them rockin' on to packed crowds.