Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Oktoberfest 2006

Try and imagine 1 million people wearing leiderhosen and frauline dress things along with 14 massive beer halls coupled with never ending beer, fried mystery meat on sticks, chicken schnitzel rolls, roller coasters, dodgem cars and crazy german songs (and people) and you will have some inlking as to the craziness that is Oktoberfest. Set in Munich, Germany the festival runs for around two weeks and I went to the opening week which starts at the end of September. On the first day, the mayor tapped the first keg at noon which symbolised the beginning of the festival and the start of some crazy shennanigans. After thinking that there was no way that I was going to be able to down a stein (around 1 litre of beer) by myself, by the end of the week I was chugging through them like a seasoned drinker (which I guess I was by that stage!) I ended up meeting up with two girls that I went to primary school with which was a blast from the past and ended up hanging out with them and their group of mates which was really cool. Kylie Humber was there as well so I got to hang out with her at the start of the week for a few beverages. Highlights of the eight week tour included the festival and having my first stein; visiting Dacchau (going to a concentration camp in the middle of a beer festival is very sobering though); seeing Neuchwanstein castle and visiting various little towns in Germany and Austria. Lowlights included seeing the 100 club (that still makes my stomach churn) and the eighteen hour coach journey done with a monster hang over, very bad idea.

Home sweet home

Ok, so it is kind of hot and humid and it has been raining a lot but still, it is good to be home. I have been feeling a little 'out of sorts' since I have been back though and I can't quite seem to put my finger on what it is. Perhaps it has something to do with the whole jetlag thing; maybe it is the fact that I had about 7 hours sleep in the 72 hour lead up to getting on a 22 hour flight or perhaps it's because of the fact that now I am home it feels like I never left. Whatever the reason, it has inspired to reminisce about my year in the UK and so I am going to update my blog. My internet connection is really slow though so chances are it will be another year before I manage to upload all my stuff but at least it is a move in the right direction.

And on a rather sentimental note I just want to say thanks to all the people that I have met over the past year that made my trip so wonderful. Dips, Lou and Em it has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you all, thanks for being such stars; Kristy and Hayley, girls it has been wicked being able to share London with you and good luck for all that is yet to come; to the rest of the work crew, thanks for all of the laughs, I will be sure to join you at the Eagle next time I am in London so that we can get hammered off one drink. Kym, good luck for the rest of your time in London I hope that you enjoy it; Lawsy, all the best it has been such good fun getting to know you better and I still can't quite believe just how slack we have been with catching up and to everyone else who has made the past year such a brilliant one thanks a bunch and I hope to see you at some point in the not too distant future.