Aside from the fact that I was slightly nervous (ie: completely packing it) about the fact that our plane looked like one of those remote control ones that you get in a box and put together yourself, I actually really enjoyed the one hour flight with Kakadu Air. Well, when I wasn’t in the throes of debilitating nausea due to our plane bouncing around like someone on pills, I really enjoyed it. Hmmm, I am beginning to get the feeling that perhaps I actually didn’t enjoy it all and have brain-washed myself into thinking that I did. Such is life.
Nervousness, nausea and self brain-washing aside I have to say that it was great to see Kakadu NP and Arnhem Land from such a different perspective. You get such a changed view of the rocky escarpment from that height. It makes it seem as though a giant hand has simply pushed it up from underneath so that on one side there is a slope and the other a massive drop off and makes you appreciate why the aboriginal have the dreamtime and creation stories that they do. The commentary that we had on the flight spoke about the early explorers moving through the region but it is impossible to imagine anyone other than aboriginal people being able to travel through and survive on such difficult terrain.
Highlights: the amazing view.
Lowlights: nervousness and nausea. Oh and did I mention the nausea?

Thunderbirds are go.

My, my, what a small plane you have... aargh!

The East Alligator River which is the border between KNP and Arnhemland. I have to say that I do admire the creativity that the early settlers used when naming the rivers. We have the East Alligator, South Alligator and West Alligator Rivers. Oh and no alligators.

Magela Wetlands.

This is an aerial view of where I am working. Hurrah!
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